
Carol singing in Slingsby


Tuesday 17th December 2014, from 6pm around Slingsby.

There will be carol singing on the Green from 6pm, followed by communal carol singing in The Grapes at 7pm.

Festive quiz night (after the carols) in the Grapes, approx 8pm.

Church yew trees cut back

Yews cut P1010885

The Yew trees in the churchyard have been cut back as planned which has opened up a great deal of light and a better view of the church. Green shoots are already appearing. The half completed metal framework is shown here to indicate the size the finished pyramids when the growth returns fully.

Thanks to Bayes Trees, who have carried out the tree pruning and to the multi- skilled JRA Woodworking for the steel frames currently under construction, and to John Clayton for coming up with the idea and advising. David Bayes will be back in a week or so to prune and remove other overgrown tree growth in the churchyard which will further open up the view of the church, improve security and hopefully reduce the potential autumn leaf fall which has been overwhelming this year.

Margaret Mackinder

For more on the background to this, see our earlier news item here.


Parish Council meeting (extra!)

Monday 9 December, 7pm, Slingsby Village Hall Committee Room.

Slingsby Parish Council is holding an extra meeting on Monday 9 December, as there is business to deal with in advance of the next scheduled meeting (Jan 2014). The budget for 2014/2015 is one of the items on the agenda.

As usual, residents may attend.  The full agenda appears below.



To be held in the Village Hall on Monday December 9th 2013 at 7pm. 


1. Comments from members of the public.

To take comments from the public. 

2. Apologies.

To receive apologies for absence.

3. Minutes.

To agree the minutes of the meeting held on November 18th 2013. 

4. Code of Conduct.

 To remind councillors of the new Code and its disclosure requirements.

5. Reports.

For information only.

I) Chairman’s report.

ii) Clerks report.

6. Exchange of information and items for the next agenda.

Questions from councillors and officers (for information only).

7. Highways .

To discuss measures to stop accidents at the cross roads. 

8. Licencing consultation.

To consider the draft Policy document.

9. Budget.

To agree a budget for 2014/15. 

10. Finance.

i) To accept councillors audit report.

ii) To agree payments and sign cheques.                                                   

Pockley Music Concert – CANCELLED

Pockley Church

Saturday 14th December, 7.30pm to approx 9.15pm, at Pockley Church (2 miles NE of Helmsley).

From classic to pop and carols, violinist Dara de Cogan and others. Light refreshments and glass of wine/juice in interval.

A fantastic evening in beautiful warm surroundings, but bring a cushion!

£5.00 per ticket, under 18 free.

For further information visit


UPDATE: This convert has been cancelled. More details on the Pockley Music website

Local History Group meeting

Saturday 7th December at 10. 30 a.m. in the small parlour at The Grapes

The Group will meet, exceptionally, on a Saturday morning, since the 4th Tuesday of the month falls on Christmas Eve.

There will be coffee, and mince pies and Freda W. has provisionally agreed to bring her wartime information and records about the school, evacuees etc. for us to look at and discuss.

There may also be time to look at one or two other war time research topics.