Parish Council AGENDA – 18 November

Please note that the next meeting of the Parish Council will now be on 18th November (rather than as originally scheduled on the 14th).

The AGENDA appears further below.

Another snippet: 

The Parish Council are looking for people to give quotes to cut the grass on the village green and cemetery for next summer.

Specs for this will be available following the PC meeting on 18th November.

Your contact as always is Dinah Farley, Clerk to the Parish Council.

Email (which has recently changed): [email protected]



To be held in the Village Hall on Monday November 18th 2013 at 7pm.


1. Comments from members of the public.

To take comments from the public.

2. Apologies.

To receive apologies for absence.

3. Minutes.

To agree the minutes of the meeting held on September 9th and planning meeting held on September 23rd 2013.

4. Code of Conduct.

 To remind councillors of the new Code and its disclosure requirements.

5. Reports.

For information only.

I) Chairman’s report.

ii) Clerks report.

iii) Neighbourhood Watch meeting

6. Exchange of information and items for the next agenda.

Questions from councillors and officers ( for information only).

7. Annual Governance.

To receive the external auditors report and to note the posting of the “Notice of conclusion of the audit and right to inspect the Annual Return” was posted on the notice board on September 14th 2013.

8. Grass cutting.

To agree specifications for the grass cutting contract.

9. Parish field.

To agree the advertisement for tenancy of the field for the next three years.

10. Allotments.

To revue the rental for the allotments for the next two years.

11. Streetlights.

To consider the quotes for replacement streetlights.

12. Meeting dates.

To agree the meeting dates for 2013.

13. Trees.

To agree work to trim back the trees on the Green where necessary.

14. Highways.

To discuss the response from NYCC Highways to the issues raised at the last meeting.

15. Planning results

i) Erection of single storey extension to south elevation following demolition of existing attached storage shed.-Approved.

16. Clerks Employment.

To accept the Clerks resignation and agree to advertise the post.

17. Finance.

i)To receive the budget update and bank reconciliation.

ii) To agree payments and sign cheques.