Parish Council Meeting 20th July 2015

Monday 20th July 2015 at 7pm -meeting of Slingsby, South Holme and Fryton Parish Council at Slingsby Village Hall. The agenda is:-

1. Apologies for Absence.

2. Declarations of Interest on Agenda Items.

3. Items raised by members of the public.

4. To agree and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 1st June 2015.

5. Co-option to fill three vacancies for Parish Councillors.

6. Exchange of information and items for the next agenda.

7. Planning. (To consider and make comments on planning applications received.)

8. Village Items.

·       Street Lights.
·       Phone Box.
·       Defibrillator.
·       Highways Issues.
·       Village Design Statement.
·       Seat on Long Balk.
·       Salt Bin on High Street.

9. Reports (For information only)

Chair’s Report.

Clerk’s Report.

10. Finance.

Members of the public and press are invited to attend.

Date of next meeting: 21st September 2015