Parish Council meeting (extra!)

Monday 9 December, 7pm, Slingsby Village Hall Committee Room.

Slingsby Parish Council is holding an extra meeting on Monday 9 December, as there is business to deal with in advance of the next scheduled meeting (Jan 2014). The budget for 2014/2015 is one of the items on the agenda.

As usual, residents may attend.  The full agenda appears below.



To be held in the Village Hall on Monday December 9th 2013 at 7pm. 


1. Comments from members of the public.

To take comments from the public. 

2. Apologies.

To receive apologies for absence.

3. Minutes.

To agree the minutes of the meeting held on November 18th 2013. 

4. Code of Conduct.

 To remind councillors of the new Code and its disclosure requirements.

5. Reports.

For information only.

I) Chairman’s report.

ii) Clerks report.

6. Exchange of information and items for the next agenda.

Questions from councillors and officers (for information only).

7. Highways .

To discuss measures to stop accidents at the cross roads. 

8. Licencing consultation.

To consider the draft Policy document.

9. Budget.

To agree a budget for 2014/15. 

10. Finance.

i) To accept councillors audit report.

ii) To agree payments and sign cheques.