NB. Ride and Stride Day 14 Sep, All Saints’ Slingsby TOUR CANCELLED

Saturday 14 September 2019, 10am to 12 noon, All Saints’ Slingsby

Yorkshire Historic Annual Ride and Stride Day. Please note that the guided tour of the church has been CANCELLED for health and safety reasons, owing to the current building works. Walk, drive or ride to All Saints’ Slingsby, in support of church funds and one of our match funders, the Yorkshire Historic Churches Trust: http://www.yhct.org.uk/get-involved/ride-stride/

Coffee, refreshments will still be provided in the church.

It is hoped that Dr Dav Smith of York University will now give a guided tour of the church at a later date in October. He has researched the history of all the church buildings along the Street and is an expert on the rebuilding and modifications which took place in the 19th century.