Hallelujah! Church boundary wall repair draws nigh

Deliverance from the exhausting and exhaustive process of permissions and paperwork has been granted. Margaret Mackinder is relieved to report the good news at last:

“The broken section of the church boundary wall which was pushed over 18 months ago by the very large sycamore tree will be repaired very soon. The Church Council has obtained LEADER funding for Small Scale Heritage Enhancements to replace the missing section of stone walling with a short section of iron railings. These will be less damaging to the roots of the large sycamore tree, which is such a key feature in this part of the village.

Matthias Garn who has been carrying out the church tower works has given a competitive and affordable price enabling this work to be done using grant funding with the balance of the cost being covered by Ryedale District Council, who take main responsibility for the care of the churchyard, which was closed for burials some years ago. Without this funding the work could not have been done as neither the Council nor the PCC have the funds to pay the full cost at the present time.

Other news for this area of the village is that as the present ashes burial area in the churchyard is full, an application has been made to the Diocese of York to dedicate a new ashes area to the north side of the church for future ashes burials. The PCC hopes in due course to make this a quiet memorial area with a seat under the trees when funds are available to do it.”

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