
Village Hall fund-raising latest

The Panto Jack and the Beanstalk on 8th January 2012 drew an almost capacity crowd to the village hall.  Everyone enjoyed the evening, which included a raffle, tea and mince pies, and an amount of £406 was raised in aid of village hall funds.

Recent fund raising events:

Christmas Bingo: £109

Christmas Food Orders: £433.60

Carol Singing: £69  [Church and Chapel received the same amount]

2012 Calendar: £300.

The next fund raising event will be the Easter Bingo on Saturday 7th April.

Thank you to everyone for your continued support and please do not hesitate to get in touch if you are interested in becoming a member of the Committee.

Christine Crouch


Slingsby Village Hall Committee

Tel: 01653 628470

Happy New Year to all our readers

Whether you are in Slingsby or elsewhere in the UK,  in mainland Europe, Canada or (especially!) Perth, Western Australia, the Slingsby Village Website and Newsletter Team wish you all a happy, prosperous and peaceful 2012.