
Parish Council – AGM 1st June

Monday 1st June 2015 at 7pm -Annual General Meeting of Slingsby, South Holme and Fryton Parish Council at Slingsby Village Hall. The agenda is:-

  1. Apologies for Absence.
  2. All Councillors to Sign Declarations of Office & Declarations of Interests.
  3. Election of Chair of the Parish Council.
  4. The Chair to sign the declaration of Office.
  5. Election of Vice Chair.
  6. Representatives.

To agree who will represent the Parish Council at the following meetings:-

Village Hall Committee.

The YLCA Meetings.

RDC Liaison Meetings.

7.Signatories for Cheques.

8.Declarations of Interest on Agenda Items.

9.Items raised by members of the public.

10.To agree and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 16th March 2015, and the Parish Meeting held on 20th April 2015.

11.Items raised at Annual Parish Meeting.

12.Exchange of information and items for the next agenda.

13.Planning.(To consider and make comments on planning applications received.)

14.Review of Assets.

15.Approve Annual Accounts for 2014/15 (Circulated).

16.Parish Council’s Archive Records.

17.Review of Risk Assessment (Circulated).

18.Village Items.

Street Lights, Phone Box, Defibrillator,  Highways Issues.

19.Reports (For information only)

Chair’s report

Clerk’s Report.

20. Finance

Members of the public and press are invited to attend.

Date of next meeting 20th July 2015

Slingsby Cricket Club plays at home this evening

Slingsby Sports Field 6.15 p.m. Tuesday 26th May

Our cricket club team plays its first home match of the Feversham League season against Spout House, starting around 6.15 tonight, on the Sports Field.

Spectators very welcome, of course.

Deer and traffic accidents

At this time of year (between April and June, peaking in May) there is an increased danger of deer running onto the road, as young ones  leave their breeding areas.

This can of course happen at any time of day, but the risk is apparently greatest around sunrise and between sunset and midnight.

Guidance to motorists from the AA is here.

The other time of increased danger is from October to December.

We have a fair number of deer in our area, and sadly a small but significant number of accidents when vehicles collide with them. The latest reported accident  was last weekend between Helmsley and Sutton Bank.

Mind how you go.









Coffee morning, cake stall and plant fair – 2nd May

Saturday 2nd May 2015 from 10.a.m. at Mowbray Rise, Green Dyke Lane, Slingsby

The Village Hall Committee is holding a coffee morning, cake stall and plant fair at Mowbray Rise, by kind permission of Mrs Trudy Carr.

All are welcome!