Category: Event

Open Morning Slingsby School 7 Dec

Wednesday 7th December. Slingsby school will be hosting an open morning for parents, relatives, friends to come and see the children at work. To complete the morning we at the school are inviting all visitors to come and share finger buffet lunch held in the Reading Rooms that adjoin the school. We would love to welcome neighbours, and residents of the village to join us. In order to have an idea of numbers we would like anyone who is interested to collect a ticket from school free of charge. Tickets will be available in school from the 18th November.

For more on forthcoming events, see the school page.

Jack and the Beanstalk, Slingsby Village Hall

Sunday 8th January 2012 at 4pm, Slingsby Village Hall – Pocket Panto present Jack & The Beanstalk. Tickets are now on sale for £6, which includes tea/coffee and mince pies. Tickets from Trudy Carr Tel 628302. Be sure to book early to ensure your seat.

Terrington Choir Concert in Slingsby Church

Sunday 4 December, 3.00pm All Saints Church, Slingsby

Concert by Terrington Village Choir (Musical Director Kerr Wilson).

The increasing popularity of Terrington Village Choir means that they are always in demand and we are grateful that they are generously giving this concert as their contribution to our Tower Appeal.

Come and enjoy a Sunday afternoon listening to this talented local choir. The programme will have a Christmas flavour. Tea/coffee and mince pies are included. Tickets £5 per person from the Village Shop, or Maurag Carmichael 628982 or Ann Wilson 628567.

Terrington Choir Poster

Village Design Statement – closing date for your returns

Calling all Residents of Slingsby, South Holme, and Fryton!

Have you filled in and returned your Village design statement questionnaire ?

Please do this, because we can only produce a useful plan to improve the village and protect the important buildings and views if it represents the opinions of the majority of residents. So far we have not received any comments about either Fryton or South Holme! 

Please fill in your questionnaire which was delivered with the current edition of The Triangle and return it to the Village Shop, or  Keith Buck at Sawpit Cottage, near The Green by 31st Oct.

The Village Design Statement Team