Category: News

Ryedale Festival gets under way

The 2011 Ryedale Festival starts on Friday 15th July with an afternoon concert suitable for young and old. Hovingham Hall is the venue for both this opening concert and the final gala concert on Sunday 31st July.

The Festival is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, with a very varied programme of events held in many superb venues, such as Castle Howard, DuncombePark, AmpleforthCollege and Sledmere House. The emphasis is on classical music, with a line-up of established big names alongside talented new generation performers.

The theme of this year’s festival is the Animal Kingdom. The programme includes jazz, brass band and literary events.

For full details, visit

Telephones in High Street reconnected

The electrical storm of 8 June damaged the cable between our local box at the top of the High Street and the exchange. This cut off the phones for many people in the High Street and beyond. Unable to repair the original cable, BT engineers started to change over individual lines one by one to a different route. Some people were waiting two weeks or more to get their phone line back. Your website editor in High Street (having belatedly found a way to survive without telephone and broadband) was eventually back online after a wait of 16 days. At least I had a break from the offers of new kitchens, double glazing etc.

Photo: After the storm

Railway Street after the storm of 8 June – slightly wetter than usual. The water usually drains away within five minutes. Lightning knocked out telephones to many houses in the village.

Car boot sale, Slingsby sportsfield

12 June, 7am – 2pm, Slingsby sports field – Car boot sale.

Future dates for your Car Boot diary for 2011:
10 July
24 July
14 August
29 August
11 September

20th Annual Duck Race – 9th July 2011

This year marks the 20th Anniversary of the duck race and to mark this occasion the committee of F.O.S.S. are in the process of organising the Family Fun Day. It will a celebratory event  for the whole community and will have lots of attractions for people of all ages.
Along with the traditional tombola, raffle and tea tent there will also be other fun entertainment such as bouncy castles, assault courses, go-karts, steam engine, fun bus, face painting, dance shows and a Punch & Judy show.
Currently we only have 5 active members of the FOSS committee and in order for the event to take place we will be reliant on the assistance of volunteers. If you are able to volunteer your time – even if its just an hour – or you would like further information about the Friends of Slingsby School please contact the school and your message will be forwarded to a committee member, email us at [email protected] or join us at our next meeting on June 9th at 6pm in the school. All members of the community are welcome to join the Friends of Slingsby School – its not just for parents of the pupils.
Funds raised from the event will, as always, contribute to the activities our children currently enjoy. This is even more crucial as the government funded sports partnership is due to end at the end of this academic year. We are determined that our children are able to continue enjoying the events we have funded such as swimming lessons, panto trip, kite making skills, circus skills, purchase of a video camera, xmas and halloween parties and a summer visit to The Deep. We hope that you are able to help with our efforts.
Many Thanks in anticipation.
The Committee of Friends of Slingsby School (F.O.S.S)