Christmas Praise 11th December 2016

Slingsby chapel

Sunday 11th December at 10.30 am in the Methodist Chapel.

Christmas Praise – an informal service of worship and praise with a Christmas theme, suitable for all ages. All are welcome, refreshments afterwards.


Events at The Grapes for December 2016


Sunday 4th December: Music Night at 8pm
Tuesday 13th December: Carol Singing at 7pm
Sunday 18th December: Christmas Quiz at 8pm ( Please wear your best Xmas Jumpers)
Tuesday 20th December : Potato Wars at 6pm ( whose potatoes make the best chips?)
Christmas Eve: Fancy Dress (For Dogs Only) at 6pm
Tuesday 27th December: Sloe Gin Competition (Home Brew Only)
New Years Eve: It’s party time

Santa’s Sleigh in Slingsby on 7th December 2016

santa's sleigh

Santa’s Sleigh will pass through Slingsby this coming Wednesday evening, 7th December 2016, courtesy of Malton Norton and District Lions Club.

The sleigh will leave Hovingham around 5pm and the trip finishes in Appleton le Street around 9 p.m. You can usually hear him coming.

Santa hopes to greet many children, also he collects contributions towards the charitable work that Lions do – we benefit in Slingsby by the monthly delivery of low cost fish and chips to the elderly and housebound, for example.

The Lions’ webpage is HERE


“Feeding Slingsby” (with coffee and cake) 10th December 2016


Saturday 10th December 2016 from 10 to 11.30 at Orchard Cottage, Railway Street, Slingsby. The coffee morning (see previous post) includes our Local History Group introducing its next project on  ‘Feeding Slingsby’.

This will look back at what Slingsby people ate and what was cooked for social events and at home, in both the recent and more distant past. LHG asks for your memories about festive events, recipes, menus, or any other memorabilia. If you have anything, please bring it along and have an informal chat about it over a cup of coffee and a piece of cake.


Coffee Morning (with added local history) 10th December 2016


churchSaturday 10th December 2016 from 10-11.30 am at Orchard Cottage, Railway Street, Slingsby. Coffee morning and cake stall in aid of repairs to the Church roof, kindly hosted by Chrysa Apps. Cake contributions welcomed, please bring on the day, or contact Chrysa (628807) to leave them earlier. For the added local history, see our next post..