Second Planning Application – Land South of Aspen Way

The planning application for the second part of the land south of Aspen way (that is, the smaller easternmost field not owned by Castle Howard) was published a couple of weeks ago. It is for 13 houses.

This second application was expected, after the Castle Howard application was lodged in early March, unexpectedly for just 26 houses on just the Castle Howard owned part of the site. So, instead of a development of 38 houses as approved in outline in 2020, and described last year by the Estate Chief Executive Jasper Hasell as a high-quality estate-led development which would enhance the approach to Slingsby, we now seem to have the prospect of two separate developments, using different designs and totalling 39 houses.

This loss of the promised cohesion across the whole site raises questions about the phasing of the projects, and joint issues such as access, utilities, drainage/sewage and the Section 106 agreement.

Currently the nominal end of the consultation on this second application is 26th May, but the Parish Council has asked for an extension and we understand it is intending to formalise a response by 6th June.

Those wishing to comment may do so online, via the link below, or by writing a letter to

Mr Alan Goforth, Planning Dept, North Yorkshire Council, Ryedale House, Malton North Yorkshire YO17 7HH.

For full details of the application, follow the link below. Under the Documents tab you will find, among other things, the comments made so far. You will need to register to comment online but a letter is just as good.

23/00348/MFUL | Erection of 13no. dwellings comprising 6no. three bedroom dwellings, 2no. two bedroom dwellings and 5no. four bedroom dwellings with associated infrastructure, garaging, parking and landscaping. | Land Off Aspen Way Slingsby Malton (

We hope in due course to be able to publish our Parish Council’s response to this latest application.