
Friends of Malton Museum – Cancellations.

In view of the present situation, Dr Peter Addyman, Chairman of Trustees has issued the following statement:

Following consultation, Malton Museum Trustees have agreed that our 2020 exhibition, due to open to the public on 11th April, should now not open to the public until further notice. The formal opening planned for April 14th is also cancelled.

This will be a great disappointment after so much hard work and careful planning by so many and trustees will be conscious of how much we owe to all who have helped.

To concur with the Chairman’s recommendation, and in our own best interests, the Friends lecture scheduled for 15th April and the AGM in May will also be cancelled. We hope that we will be able to resume our programme as published in the Friends Spring newsletter, in September.

Slingsby Mayday Celebrations 2020 Cancelled.

We are sorry to announce that the Mayday celebrations planned for Friday May 8th 2020 have been cancelled in total.
It was inevitable in view of the recent unprecedented events surrounding the Coronavirus outbreak, but it’s very sad for the village and a disaster for all those who have already worked so hard to plan the event.