
It’s business as usual for Tony

Well almost. Perhaps not quite as photogenic as the spring lambs, but equally as welcome and important to the village, Tony Hodgson continues to supply essential goods to villagers who need them, from his shop in Green Dyke Lane, in spite of the current difficulties and dangers.
When you stand outside your front door and clap your appreciation of the NHS and other Key Workers at this difficult time, please include Tony in your thoughts.
Thank you Tony.

Photograph courtesy of David Critchley.


You may well have been asking yourself this question, as the clock is not just an hour behind but more like an hour and 5 minutes behind where it ‘should’ be this week. Why is this? Sadly, it’s not a reflection of the fact that due to coronavirus we’ve decided to create our own version of British Summer Time which gives us that extra hour in bed (British Slingsby Time perhaps?!) Alas, it is a reflection of the fact that we are not allowed to go into the church to worship, pray, clean, or re-set the clock, because of the dangers this might pose to ourselves and others. It’s very frustrating, as you can imagine, especially now that we have our new exhibition and leaflets available and we were very much looking forward to sorting out the Local History archive and holding other concerts and events in aid of future plans for a kitchen and toilet. But like every other church we have to respect government guidance. We are carrying out a weekly security check and the surveillance system is still closely monitoring the building. It is a small sacrifice to make in contrast to those in the community who are putting their lives on the line every day.

On the positive side, however, the churchyard is looking lovely, with wildflowers now beginning to flourish…primroses, violets, different varieties of buttercup and the great Sycamore coming back into leaf and life. And Warwick in particular, is keeping the grass and edges of the pathways looking immaculate. All these small acts of kindness make a huge difference to the village, and remind us how much we value just being able to sit in the village. When we are finally allowed to return to the building and re-set the clock, it will be a real time of celebration for us all.

Kate Giles.