Category: News

Slingsby Church Annual Big Clean 12th August 2017

Saturday 12th August from 10 a.m. Annual Big Clean of Slingsby Church.

Keeping this large building  looking good is a heavy task for the small regular congregation, so please could you spare an hour to come and help?

 Mid-morning refreshments will be provided.

Please assemble from 10 a.m. bringing gloves sweeping brushes, dusters etc. and any other equipment for inside cleaning jobs, or outside garden jobs if you prefer, such as removal of ivy, clearing weeds on paths and around drains, and sweeping porches and pathways.



Afternoon Tea 9th August 2017

Wednesday 9th August from 3.30 pm. Afternoon tea at the home of Stephen and Rachel Prest, The Old Fold, Railway Street, Slingsby. All are welcome. No charge, but an idea of numbers would be appreciated. Contact Rachel & Stephen on 628277.

(This event replaces Soupa-lunch and Slingsby Tea Spot, which do not take place this month)