Category: News

A Missing Kitten

Jackie Jeffery is looking for a kitten that hasn’t been seen since Friday morning (1st November).

The kitten has fluffy long hair white with grey streaks.

If found, can you please contact Jackie at The Old Post Office, Slingsby, or contact the website and we will pass on the message.

Photos of the Months: September and October


Autumn sowing taken from Fryton towards The Flatts on 13 October. The tractor was
caught in the late afternoon sun. Photograph by Colin Douthwaite

Photo of the Month was missing from the website posts last month (due to a technical failure with the webmaster), but it’s back with a bumper issue with all of these great  images coming from Colin Douthwaite. Many thanks Colin for the photographs.

Do you have a great photograph you’d like to share with us?

If you’d like to submit an image for the photo of the month slot, you can send it to [email protected]

More details about how to submit photographs can be found HERE

More photos taken from Fryton towards Slingsby in early September including the white horse that’s often seen across at Slingsby.




Traffic Lights in Slingsby


Slingsby will be getting its own set of traffic lights for two weeks starting from the 28th October as construction work takes place in an area starting at the corner leading up to the Balk.

Hopefully the work will be completed on time and the disruption will be minimal.

We love Yews, but it’s time to shape up.


Our thanks to John Clayton and Margaret Mackinder for this news about the Slingsby Church yews.

Whether you walked between them on your wedding day, or regularly pass through them on your way into church, or simply see them on your daily route to work, or walks around the village, many of you will have a fond association with the avenue of Irish Yews that line the main entrance to Slingsby Church.

Over many years the individual trees have been trimmed into individual cylindrical shapes to create a formal feature.
Unfortunately the trees were planted very close to the footpath and have inevitably grown to a point where they are obstructing passage, especially for weddings and funerals, and, although it would be possible to trim them back to solve the problem in the short-term, the required amount of trimming would cause individuals to be misshapen which would detract from the desired formal appearance.

Rather than taking the radical decision to remove them and start again, it has been decided that they should be retained but formed into a shape that will not affect the footpath in future. The trees are therefore to be shaped into individual pyramids which will allow for sloping sides away from the footpath edge. To achieve this it will be necessary to prune them quite hard to fit them under specially made metal frames with mesh sides which will allow the new shoots to grow through to eventually form the new pyramidal shape. Fortunately yew is one of the few conifer species which regenerates well following hard pruning, therefore, although the trees will look a little unsightly for a period of time after pruning this will only be a temporary appearance. This process is by no means a quick fix, and may take a few growing seasons to achieve the desired result. However the final result should be worth waiting for.

It is intended that work will begin before Christmas.


Website Content Update

Website image

The website had a great summer this year with the page views going up to over 4000 from May to September.  Although the website pages provide a lot of great information about the village, the real heart of the website is its news and events section where we post information about what’s going on locally. It’s a very popular feature of the site.

To keep the website up-to-date, the website team rely on being told the information. If something isn’t mentioned on the website, then it comes down to one of two reasons. One, we don’t know about it (i.e. we haven’t be told about the event), or two, we aren’t allowed to report it as the organisers don’t want the event appearing on the website. Sometimes we’d like to tell you but we can’t!

The popularity and strength of the village website is down to the diversity of content we have on it. If you’d like to write something for the site or just tell us about a local event, you can contact the website team (Jon, George and Ringo Richard) via the contact page located here.