Category: News

Churchyard wildflower work 25th March 2017

Slingsby Church Saturday 25th March at 10.30 am. Please can you spare an hour to help clear and mark out parts of the churchyard to make wildflower areas? If so please come and bring gloves and secateurs if you have them. Coffee provided.

Garden Waste Brown Bin collection starts 14th March 2017

A reminder that the first garden waste brown bin collection for this year is tomorrow,Tuesday 14th March. This applies to the whole parish – Slingsby , Fryton and South Holme. Brown bins are then emptied fortnightly on Tuesdays.

(From April, brown bins will only be emptied if the subscription for the new collection year has been paid to Ryedale District Council)

Hovingham Market 4th March 2017

Hovingham Village Market, with local food, rural crafts & community café, on Saturday 4th March 2017 from 10.30am to 1.30pm.

Archaeologists will be at the Market, interested in locally found pottery from fields or gardens – if you have any and want to know more please bring it for them to look at.

The Market website is HERE, it’s also on Facebook and Twitter

Slingsby from the air – snapshots in time

Aerial view of Slingsby from NE | Photo provided by Geoff Brooks

Geoff Brooks has sent us these two aerial photographs of Slingsby and would be interested to know if anyone can date them.

There are quite a lot of clues here, as Geoff points out:

“These aerial photos emerged when we were clearing out some drawers. They seem to have been taken on the same day but there is no date on them. I think they are from the early nineties but it would be useful if anyone could narrow the year down by looking at any clues the pictures might hold. The ‘new’ houses in Church Lane had been built but those beside the Reading Room had not. Perry’s coaches still used the yard full time, the trees on the Green had just been pollarded, the swimming pool at the rear of Lindon House had not been covered in and Richardson’s yard was still being used for haulage. There is a distinct lack of cars, particularly noticeable in the Green Crescent compared with today.”

Aerial view of central Slingsby, early 1990s? | Photo provided by Geoff Brooks

Please let us know at [email protected] if you think you can date these photographs.

Geoff’s latest walks for February and March have just been published on our walks page. Thanks Geoff!