Category: News

Parish Council AGENDA – 10 March


To be held in the Village Hall on Monday 10 March 2014 at 7pm.




1. Comments from members of the public.

To take comments from the public.

 2. Apologies.

To receive apologies for absence.

3. Minutes.

To agree the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday January 28th  2014.

4. Code of Conduct.

To receive declarations as required by the new Code of Conduct.

5. Street lighting.

To receive updates on street lighting.

6. Highways issues.

To receive updates on the traffic issues on the A170.

7. Exchange of information and items for the next agenda.

Questions from councillors and officers ( for information only).

8. Reports.

For information only.

I) Chairman’s report.

2) Clerks report.

i)  Cheque for £250 received from RAY towards defibrillator.

ii)  Hovingham Ward meeting will be in Hovingham Village Hall on March 26th at 7.30pm.

9. Tree felling application in Conservation area.

To consider the following application.

Application No.                  14/00198/CAT

Applicant                           Mr D Thornley

Description                        To reduce and crown lift by 1m and crown clean 2x laburnum and 3x cherry.

10. Annual Parish Assembly.

To arrange the agenda for the Annual Parish Assembly to be held on Monday April 14th at 7pm.

.11. Cemetery.

To agree the revision of fees for 2014 as recommended by Church of England.

12. Meeting dates.

To agree to move the meeting to either the first or third Monday of the month.

13. Mineral and Waste Joint Plan consultation.

Details of this consultation can be found at

Councillors may agree a collective response or individually.

14. Standing orders.

To receive updated Standing Orders to be agreed at the next Ordinary Parish Council meeting.

15. Finance.

i) To accept Councillors audit report.

ii)  To agree the bank reconciliation to 27 February 2014.

iii) To accept the budget update to 27 February  2014

iv) To agree payments and sign cheques.

Photo of the Month: February 2014


A misty morning looking from Fryton to Slingsby | Photo by Colin Douthwaite

This superbly atmospheric photo looking towards Slingsby from Fryton is perfect for our photo of the month. I think you will agree that Colin has sent in an absolute cracker of a photograph for this month. With the weather in the news over the last few weeks, this photo is also a reminder of how lucky we’ve been to escape the wrath of the terrible storms that have wreaked havoc in other parts of the UK.

You can find more of Colin’s recent photographs on the village Flicker page that can be found HERE

Do you have a great photograph you’d like to share with us?

If you’d like to submit an image for the photo of the month slot, you can send it to [email protected]

More details about how to submit photographs can be found HERE

Refuse and recycling info

The Slingsby Village website keeps you up-to-date with everything that’s happening in and around Slingsby. We like to bring you the good news stories. Occasionally, however, we have no option but to dish the dirt!

So, in response to public demand, we now launch your very own Refuse and Recycling page.

The new website page should include everything you need to know on refuse and recycling, including a calendar of forthcoming collection dates.

Councils up and down the land are relying ever more on online services. Ryedale District Council has said that residents will no longer receive information tags (previously attached to wheeled bins). Of course this does not suit everyone.

So, we will aim to ensure that relevant information on refuse and recycling changes and collection dates is also published in the good old-fashioned Triangle newsletter!

For the moment, the key points are:



Much more on the Refuse and Recycling page.

High-speed fibre broadband in Slingsby

Website image

I have been informed by the Superfast North Yorkshire project that high-speed fibre is now available to homes and businesses in Slingsby. Well, theoretically at least! All the necessary technical infrastructure work has been done to upgrade our cabinet but not all internet service providers are yet taking orders for fibre products. As far as I can make out at present, Primus and TalkTalk are now ready to take orders. Others ISPs should follow soon.

If your ISP has user-friendly customer service, you may wish to enquire about this now. Or you may prefer to hold back, to see if they make you an offer.

More info at

I shall seek clarification from the Project team and pass on further information as soon as I have it. Watch this space!


Missing kitten FOUND!

kitten 2013 jens camera 029

This kitten has now been FOUND.

Have you seen this kitten? We have received the following message from worried kitten-owner Jennie Smith. Please read it and help if you can.

I was wondering if you could ask everyone to be vigilant. Our tortoiseshell kitten has been missing since 7am Sunday 2nd February. She is about 8 months old and is very small for her age. She normally just wonders around our garden and sometimes covers a small area of the High Street and never is out more than 30 minutes at a time. She has also been micro chipped.
Please please could anyone give us any useful information if they have seen her, or know what has happened to her. We are all obviously very worried and upset
Thank you
Jennie Smith