Website Server Upgrade Work


The server that the village website resides on will be undergoing some upgrade work on March 7th. This important work will update important server software and will provide the website with better security and performance improvements.

Access to the village website may be disrupted as the upgrade work takes place. Hopefully the disruption will be kept to a minimum but it is possible that the website may be unavailable for a few hours.

Status updates will be posted on the village Facebook page should there be any upgrade delays or problems.

Village Hall AGM


Monday 17th March 7pm, in the Village Hall.

The Slingsby Village Hall AGM. Don’t miss it!

Missing kitten FOUND!

kitten 2013 jens camera 029

This kitten has now been FOUND.

Have you seen this kitten? We have received the following message from worried kitten-owner Jennie Smith. Please read it and help if you can.

I was wondering if you could ask everyone to be vigilant. Our tortoiseshell kitten has been missing since 7am Sunday 2nd February. She is about 8 months old and is very small for her age. She normally just wonders around our garden and sometimes covers a small area of the High Street and never is out more than 30 minutes at a time. She has also been micro chipped.
Please please could anyone give us any useful information if they have seen her, or know what has happened to her. We are all obviously very worried and upset
Thank you
Jennie Smith

The website passes 100,000 page views

Internet connection

The Slingsby Village website passed an important milestone today with the page view figure going past  the 100,000 mark. The fact that we have passed this viewing figure in just under three years is quite remarkable.

Last year was a benchmark year for the village website. Firmly established online, the viewing figures started to climb as people searched for and found the site. Our social media pages, including a brand new Facebook page, also provided plenty of visitors. In 2013 we received a total of 44,123 page views with the summer months being especially busy periods.

The last few weeks have seen a string of new updates and changes to the website including the addition of a new website design, added at the end of December. Over 2014, the site will continue to develop and improve. If you’d like to help run the website or write for the website, then please feel free to get in touch.

Parish Council AGENDA – 28 January


To be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday January 28th 2014 at 7pm.

Your contact as always is Dinah Farley, Clerk to the Parish Council.

Email (which has recently changed): [email protected]

The AGENDA appears below.



1. Comments from members of the public.

To take comments from the public.

2. Apologies.

To receive apologies for absence.

3. Minutes.

To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 9th December 2013.

4. Code of Conduct.

To receive declarations as required by the new Code of Conduct.

5. Street lighting.

To receive updates on street lighting.

6. Highways issues.

i) To agree what will be done with the Footpath on the green.

iii) To fill in the forms applying for Speed cameras on the main Road.

7. Exchange of information and items for the next agenda.

Questions from councillors and officers ( for information only).

8. Reports.

For information only.

I) Chairman’s report.

ii) Clerks report.

i) Highways have cleaned out the drains in South Holme to prevent the road flooding.

ii) The request for a sign for Porch Farm Close has been sent to Ryedale District Council.

iii) There has been an increase in Neighbourhood Watch coordinators but others are still needed.

iv)Hutton Bros. Development land has the problem of paraffin contamination which is discouraging development.

9. Planning Results.

13/01002/FUL Replacement of Village Hall windows- Approved.

10. Village hall.

To consider the request from the Village Hall Committee to send a letter of support for a grant to replace the windows.

11. Winter weather agent’s scheme.

To consider the proposal by Rural Action Yorkshire which involves?

Setting up an emergency 4X4 rota to get residents to emergency medical appointments if the village is snowed in.

Establish a rota to check on vulnerable residents.

Single point of contact for emergencies manned by volunteers.

Purchase a defibrillator and train volunteers.

A small funding scheme is available.

12. Budget.

i) To accept the grant offered by Ryedale District Council to compensate for the precept shortfall (half for this year).

ii) To agree the budget and set the precept for 2013/14.

iii) To agree allocation of reserves and capital spend.


NB. The council will ask members of the public to leave during the next three items.

13. Applications for Clerks position.

To consider the applications for Clerk and set the date for interviews.

14, Parish Field Tenders.

To open tenders and agree tenancy for the next three years.

15. Grass cutting tenders.

To open tenders and award the contract for cutting the Green and Cemetery for 2014.

16. Finance.

i) To agree the bank reconciliation for December 31st 2013.

ii)To accept the budget update to 30 December 2013

ii) To agree payments and sign cheques.

Wartime Slingsby – Annual local history day

Wartime Dover_banner- Tunnels

Saturday 26th April 2014, Slingsby Village Hall and All Saints Church.

Annual Local History Event :  WARTIME SLINGSBY

A look at Slingsby’s wartime connections from Medieval times up until the Second World War.  A one day event in Slingsby Village Hall and Slingsby Church. Exhibition, talks and recording sessions of Second World War memories of Slingsby.  More details in next April’s Triangle. Watch this website as we count down to the big day. There may be a few surprises.

Slingsby was a military training centre and there were munitions storage areas around the area. Those who were teenagers remember the atmosphere and life in the village then. Some may also remember their parents talking about what life was like in the first world war when Slingsby lost many of its young men of combat age. We hope to cover all aspects of life including what happened on farms, food, music, entertainment etc. If you would like to help researching all this or you think you have information which would interest the group, please come along to our 28 January or 25 February meeting in the Village Hall. Our aim is to collect  and capture information for future generations before it is forgotten.

Margaret Mackinder 01653 628303 [email protected]